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Is there a natural therapy that can cure diabetes?

With all the diabetes research and advances in treatment of diabetes, it is tempting to think that someone's found a cure against diabetes now. But the reality is that there is no cure for diabetes - diabetes, the type or type 1 2 diabetes.

However, there are treatments, including simple things you can do every day that make a big difference.

Is there a natural therapy that can cure diabetes?

No. natural therapies such as deep abdominal breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and biofeedback can help relieve stress. And emotional stress affects your blood sugar in the blood. So learn to relax is important in managing your diabetes.

Supplements will not cure diabetes, either. Some natural supplements can interact dangerously with your diabetes medicine. Others have been shown to help improve your diabetes, but always check with your doctor before taking any supplement.

Be skeptical about claims of a cure for diabetes. A real cure has been repeatedly tested in clinical trials with obvious success.
What lifestyle changes can help me manage my diabetes?

Although there is no cure against diabetes, diabetes can be treated and controlled, and some people may go into remission. To effectively manage diabetes, you must do the following:

Manage your sugar levels in the blood. Know what to do to help keep as close to normal as possible every day: Check your blood sugar frequently. Take your diabetes medication regularly. And balance your diet with medication, exercise, stress management, and good sleep habits.

Plan what you eat at each meal. Stick to your diabetes diet plan as often as possible.

Carry healthy snacks with you. You'll be less likely to snack on empty calories.

Exercise regularly. Exercise helps you stay in shape, burns calories and helps regulate your glucose levels in the blood.

Keep up with your medical appointments. This includes your doctor, diabetes educator, ophthalmologist, dentist, podiatrist, and other health care professionals.

Weight loss surgery

After surgery weight loss, many people with type 2 diabetes have their sugar levels in the blood return to near normal. Some experts call it remission. It is not unusual that people no longer need diabetes medications after weight loss surgery.

The more a person loses weight after surgery, the greatest improvement in glycemic control.

After surgery, if the extra weight around, and your diabetes may return.

EDUCATION and maintaining a healthy weight is very important for the management of diabetes. You should also follow your recommended diabetes diet, exercise regularly, manage stress, and see your doctor regularly for necessary tests.

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